Craft of Writing Workshop
Length: 2.5 Hours
Date/Time: 2:15pm - 4:45pm
Monday 12th April 2021
Location*: Mortdale Community Centre
2b Boundary Road, Mortdale
Year Level: Year 12
Cost**: $135 per student for the three hour seminar, 40+ page resource booklet and at-home follow up support
Details: This workshop is specifically designed to help students understand and navigate the requirements of the new syllabus module 'The Craft of Writing'. Students are provided with an overview of the module specifications, and are taken carefully through the key skills necessary in order to refine their writing capabilities and succeed with the unique prescriptions of this course. Specifically, students are taken through the rubric requirements, along with the imaginative, persuasive, discursive and reflective writing forms, core comprehension skills for deconstructing complex questions and textual extracts, and provided with a vast array of tips and tricks to help ensure a thorough understanding of the module is gained.
The workshop will be supplemented by a resource booklet summarising key content and an extensive assortment of practice exercises to help further enhance their craft of writing skills.