Intensive Essay Writing Workshop
Length: 3 Hours
Date/Time: 2:15pm - 5:15pm
Wednesday 14th April 2021
Location: Mortdale Community Centre
2b Boundary Road, Mortdale
Year Level: Years 10, 11 and 12
Cost**: $165 per student for the three hour seminar, 50+ page resource booklet and at-home follow up support
Details: This is an intensive seminar style course, dedicated towards providing students with specific information and skills necessary to excel in essay writing. Course content will cover preliminary planning of essays (including deconstructing questions, essay plans and adapting to questions), essay writing skills (including argument development, essay structure and analytical skills), and tips and tricks for revision and essay enhancement (including self-marking, peer marking, evaluative language skills and ALARM review). All content will be tailored towards the new syllabus HSC content.
Students will also receive a complete 50+ page resource booklet, including at-home revision exercises to supplement workshop content and assist them in improving their essay writing abilities.